Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Well we officially have 10 more days until the big day.  I felt at this point I would be writing to say everything is done! We are ready to go! We are feeling GREAT! ......... um no.

I am home sick. 

Not just with any sickness to get me out of "work"....meaning I just wanted to stay home and pack early.. this sickness has me on antibiotics (thanks to the 3 hour trip to urgent care saturday.. with a really good sport- kell- who made it clear to all nurses and doctors we were not leaving until they gave me something), coughing, sneezing, throat hurting, sinus clogged, jaw hurting, wanting to stay under the covers and not come out sickness. 

With this on my plate I am pushing through. There is NO more time to be sick after today. It will be gone by tomorrow.  

There are literally about 198340982304 things on our wedding to-do list, let alone my own to-do list of 2234092834 things.. including 6 days worth of lesson plans, interims and planning for conferences.

All more than worth it though- let me make that perfectly clear. I just can't believe that this time, the week after next, I will be married to the man of my dreams, sipping delicious cocktails on the beach- or in my private ocean front pool- in the Dominican Republic. Somehow that makes the hell of this week and next; worth it. :)


ok time to nap.