Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Little Obsession

Well, as many of you know, I have a thing for tanning.  I love being tan, I love how I feel when I am tan and I love the feeling after leaving the tanning salon, knowing that instant gratification is setting in.  In recent years I have stopped bed tanning (thank god for a sunless tan). gosh! It is so bad for you!! Yes, this I know coming from the girl who lives in the Outer Banks during the summer and spends almost every hour of sunlight outside.  The versa spa has saved my tanning life.  It is the best sunless tan ever!!! I went this past weekend with Kell and bought a new package.  Here's to consistently being tan until the wedding (and the rest of my life)!!! haha

Here's a pic of me in my new glasses. I am still obsessed with them.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Marc Had to Dry My Tears

Brett is in Atlanta. Kell and I went shopping. 

Swoon. My new Marc aviators. Obsessed.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Brett takes his 3rd of 4 CPA tests... cross your fingers!!!

Good luck Bretters Daniel Marie!!!! (haha)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Baby Kruck's Are Here!!!

I am so excited for Morgan and Greg!! Happy Birthday Girls!!

Please Welcome:
Alexandra Jane Kruck--5lbs 7oz 18"
Kaylee Harper Kruck--5lbs 11oz 19.25"

Daddy Greg and Alexandra 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tam Has A Baby

Over spring break Kell and I took a sistermoon to Atlantic City and then to see Tam in NY. We had an amazingly terrible time in AC. The blackjack tables took all of Kell's and my money. Miserable.

After taking the blackjack beating, Kell and I headed to see Tam.  Tam has a baby. A really adorable baby. I love him. 

Costa Valentin Reverberi

Almost Mrs. Amy Scott

I couldn't be more excited/happy/thrilled for a great friend of mine- Amy! Amy and Jeff got engaged over this past weekend!!!!! Last night Amy and I went to her favorite sushi place in Ballston (which is now my favorite sushi place) to celebrate!! I got to see her beyond perfectly gorgeous ring and hear every detail of her incredible engagement story. Jeff did a GOOD job.  

When Amy and I get together for any occasion- especially celebrations, we have a tendency to have a few beverages.  Needless to say the way I am feeling right now is SO worth it.. even though I have to teach 25- 7 year olds. Amy and I decided however, that next time we will need to do the exact same thing on a Friday- not a Tuesday. 

Congratulations to the future Mr and Mrs Jeff Scott!!!!