well- maybe Googling was a bad idea. Here are three of the interesting/humorous/potentially scary things I found out about CR.
The Sun here is NASTY. CR is only ten degrees N of the Equator, so use sunscreen. You can burn to a crisp on 30 minutes if you run around unprotected.
The Sun here is NASTY. CR is only ten degrees N of the Equator, so use sunscreen. You can burn to a crisp on 30 minutes if you run around unprotected.
Prostitution is legal in Costa Rica but acting as go between or pimping is not. When entering the world of prostitution in Costa Rica you do so assuming ALL potential risks. They can be numerous and life altering.
Bugs/Dengue Fever
Dengue is spread by a mosquito that ONLY bites in the daytime. Dengue comes in two varieties. The first causes flu-like symptoms and though you are uncomfortable, you are not dead. The second is NASTY and extremely painful and makes you wish you WERE dead... which you can be without treatment.
SO GLAD WE BOUGHT 100% DEET. ha. Those suckers won't come near us. Now spiders the size of squirrels.. that's another story. :(
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