Monday, December 19, 2011

Another Year of Fabulous!

Well. It's my favorite day of the year! (tomorrow!) My Birthday!!! I can't believe I'm going to be 29. This is going to be an amazing year..(before I celebrated with my family I thought I was going to have a panic attack due to turning 29) Brett and I have some great things ahead! I can't wait to post about all of the things we have to look forward to! On Sunday we went to Mom's house and celebrated with her, Kel, Dad, and Gram & Pop.  Mom made amazing filet mignon, mushrooms and cauliflower mash.  She finished off the amazing din with home made cookies and cream cupcakes!!!!

My bday present: I couldn't have been more appreciative/excited/lucky/surprised when I opened her. Best family ever. The buttery leather feels incredible on my body. :) Thanks mom, Kel, Gram & Pop!!!!!!!!!
Marc Jacobs Francesca

my new saying of the year
Make a wish!
I re-cut my bangs! Thought 29 needed some new hair.

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