Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer is in Full Swing!

It sure is good to he HOME! (all of Kel's posts from CR are on her blog.. read them if you want to hear about our trip!) Stay tuned for an update of my favorite CR pics- coming soon.

I would like to point out that I loved every second of going through customs and hearing "Welcome home ladies" from the officer.  It was glorious.  Brett picked us up from the airport in my SUV and it was amazing to drive on paved roads.  We went home, had a few days to relax and then headed to OBX! We have been relaxing and soaking up the sun in the USA.

The girls have been playing in the sound and having a blast.

Since the girls have been such active swimmers, Kel and I ordered them life vests. :) Pink life vests.  Both Cam & Mae like to be near us when we are in the water, and this just makes it a little easier for them.
So cute!!
Cam looks like a tired pooch!

Mae chillin' after swimming

Cammie taking a break and wanting shade
Besides being outside every day, we have been doing a whole lot of "nothing" and it feels great. (Right now I am watching Full House- HA) Linds came over and we got to catch up on the 100 things that have been going on.  She is teaching first grade again, like me. :) We are going over to the Chandler's house tomorrow and Mr. C is making ribs at our request. We are all SO excited for them. They are the best in the world!

Last night we hit up Tortuga's for din, and of course I got my favorite-burger-in-the-world: the Bajan Burger. Yum. Of course I had to Trip Adviser it. Everyone should go to Tortuga's.


  1. The girls look so stinking cute in their vests! What a great purchase. :)
